1,202,786 views Otome no Teikoku Capitulo 289.09
When Jiang Wanshu met Ren Pingsheng, what she thought was her light, became the beginning of her nightmare. As a teacher, Ren Pingsheng seems gentle and considerate on the outside, but is secretly an extremely passionate reader of Jiang Wanshu's book. What seemed to be a "coincidental" first encounter was in truth calculated and planned. Behind the peaceful days, the crazy reader has begun her hunt... Spanish / Español: SpoilerCuando Jiang Wanshu conoció a Ren Pingsheng, lo que ella pensó que era su luz, se convirtió en el comienzo de su pesadilla. Como maestra, Ren Pingsheng parece gentil y considerada por fuera, pero secretamente es una lectora extremadamente apasionada del libro de Jiang Wanshu. Lo que pareció ser un primer encuentro "casual" fue en verdad calculado y planeado. Detrás de los días tranquilos, la lectora loca ha comenzado su cacería...
208,658 views I'm More Dangerous Than You Capítulo 61Seowoo, president of the film club, is standing outside in the rain, a welcome break from the noisy and chaotic bar behind her, when a girl with orange hair stumbles out the doors and practically into her arms. Then she begins singing “Dancing in the Rain” while... dancing in the rain. It’s a minute encounter, really, but Seowoo has seen the greatest romances bloom from the smallest moments in the movies. So when Hayoung shows up to join the film club, Seowoo – who’s not even sure what she herself is feeling – finds her heart skipping a beat.
170,212 views Blooming Sequence Ch. 64Their friendship seems stronger than anything. But will it resist the appearance of a beautiful student? For Nare and Minsu, nothing is less certain. No need to lie, one thing is obvious for the two friends : Nare is completely captivated by her new classmate. So when the pretty stranger tries to become friends with Nare, the latter does nothing to stop her...
77,220 views Transfer Student Ch. 88When did she meet her ideal girl in the worst situation? Guk-Hwa was kissed by Jang-Mi and left. After a few days since that incident, Guk-Hwa left her work to go home, and saw Jang-Mi on the other train and tried to get off to meet her, while thinking "Why did I do that? The guy thing is already solved anyways." Jang-Mi finishes working at her place, and gets pissed off because she keeps thinking about that fight about the guy. And so she gets off work all pissed off because Guk-Hwa keeps popping up on her mind again.
70,098 views It Would Be Great if You Didn't Exist Ch. 80Yoon Sora, the top student in Jeil Girl's High School, became responsible for the future of Woo Haena. To Sora's surprise, the boyfriend candidate is not a male but Haena?! A high school GL romance starts now! Links: Spoiler Author’s Twitter Raw: Ridibooks Boomtoon Ktoon Lezhin MrBlue
55,867 views Sora Haena! Capítulo 6N/A
50,397 views Ienai Himitsu No Aishikata Capítulo 12.10Bai Lijin, a fairy who was living in heaven, eating and drinking without a care, broke her Majesty’s colourful, stained-glass plate at her birthday and got banished to the mortal realm. Now she has to begin her adventures in the mortal realm with all of her spiritual powers gone! In order to survive, the former fairy has to deliver take-out.... An endearingly silly fairy, a gentle restaurant manager, a reserved top student and a hard to resist yandere onee-san (kind on the outside, dark/possessive on the inside) , let the story of their beautiful friendship and youthful days begin! Author's weibo: @Viva喂娃酱 Artist's weibo: @Julys橘奶司
41,031 views Bai Lijin Among Mortals Ch. 21 Hora de la LecciónEnglish: A little love story about a girl and a vampire girl. Portuguese / Português: Uma pequena história de amor sobre uma garota e uma vampira. Author's Twitter/Twitter do Autor: @akilim85000 Instagram: @aklkwl
32,362 views Vampeerz, My Peer Vampires Vol. 4 Ch. 20Back in high school, Maki and Midori were in love, until graduation came and the two of them went their seperate ways. However, ten years later, Maki has a chance reunion with Midori - and finds that while her feelings haven't changed, Midori has.
30,137 views Kakeochi Girl Vol. 4 Ch. 16It’s the start of a new semester and Ji Un is paired with Yoosun. Ji Un does her best to get close to Yoosun but is only met with a cold shoulder. What could be the reason Yoosun hates Ji Un? Artist's Twitter
29,390 views Hate Me Ch. 3Emi Yamanaka is an office lady working in Tokyo. She's brash, opinionated, smokes, and likes girls. Having gone through various failed relationships with other women, she resigns herself to cynicism. Her equilibrium is shattered by the appearance of a new worker at her office, Taneda-san.
28,445 views An Absurd Relationship Vol. 1 Ch. 14A story set in a world where non-humans live among normal humans, focusing on a titan named Kara and a vampire name Vivi.
25,621 views Wake Ari na Kanojo-tachi 11When the timid Wu You moves to a new high school, she quickly grows attached to her new deskmate, the gregarious Ye Yin. But there is more than meets the eye with Ye Yin, and as the days pass Wu You's feelings begin to deepen. A love story between two secondary school classmates. Author's weibo: @这里是占 Author's twitter: @G_K_PT
25,433 views This Is Obviously a Yuri Manhua Ch. 9Ever optimistic genki girl Chun-Ah-Young just started working as a florist... but the manager of her shop is one seriously suspicious looking guy. What's worse, his friend that actually owns the place and occasionally comes to visit, appears to be even scarier than he is! Just who are these people and what do they really do for a living?
23,369 views My Love is a Gangster?! Ch. 30.5 Epilogo16,390 views strange love 30
They are two completely different girls. Lee Ha Na is an idol. She’s rich. She’s beautiful. She’s famous. But she wants to die. Park Ye Rim is a nobody. She’s broken. She’s brilliant. She’s unknown. But all she wants is a chance at life. The two girls are opposites, but opposites do attract
13,820 views Just the way you are (GL) Ch. 8The heartwarming story of two different girls brought together over a cat, as they learn about each other, spend time together, and heal one another. [ Español ] Una conmovedora historia de dos chicas, diferente una de la otra, que se conocen por un encuentro con un gato y desde entonces han estado acompañándose y consolándose .
11,534 views Half Ch. 25Collection of 7 short stories revolving around an all-girl's school. Even if We're Not Friends "Even if We're not Friends," is about two girls who were friends in junior high but end up going to different high schools. The Summer Closest to Heaven Tells the story of a ghost who accidentally possesses a girl, then takes advantage of the situation to interact with the woman she loves. A Kiss, Love, and a Prince Takes place in the same setting as "Even if We're Not Friends," but centers around different characters. The main character is kissed by her sempai, who is playing opposite her in the school play, and freaks out because she always imagined her first kiss would be with a boy, preferably a dashing prince. This Love from I Can't Remember When Tells the story of one girl's unrequited love. Cherries For Your Lips Tells the story of a girl who's in love with her best friend. If I Kiss Her Ring Finger Nana wants to take things farther with Hitomi, but Hitomi doesn't seem interested. Meanwhile, Nana's failed her midterms, and she uses the make-up tests as an excuse to avoid Hitomi. Real Love Michiru confesses her love to her sempai and asks her out.
11,150 views Kisses, Sighs, and Cherry Blossom Pink Vol. 1 Ch. 7 Besos de chocolate.Soft cute gentle teacher x fake gentle and actually cold student. Age gap. Ms. Luo's self-awareness and acceptance process. Author Weibo: https://weibo.com/u/2140322502?from=myfollow_all&is_all=1&sudaref=weibo.com
11,089 views If I Kissed You Ch. 5N/A
11,032 views Joshi Chuugakusei x Hitodzuma Ch. 3Esta é uma estreia de uma novata chamada "Seo Yeon", o que significa que é uma pequena história feita pela debutante, que se seus trabalhos forem aceitos pode criar um manhwa. Note: This was part of an analogy of short stories on Naver Comics. Author's Twitter
10,613 views Can I Kiss You? Ch. 1Collection of Shoujo Ai & Yuri Oneshots from Galette
9,895 views Galette (Anthology) Vol. 4 Ch. 6 Lunatic Lady (by Takemiya Jin)Welcome to Greywoods, a beautiful mansion isolated deep in the countryside. Its main inhabitants? The Viscount Rose, his daughter Lady Eileen, the housekeeper, the butler, and... a new maid, Marie. As Lady Eileen and her newest (and only) companion begin to open up to each other, do their hearts follow close behind? Now, don’t mind any lingering ghosts still haunting the grounds, they’re not real! Nor are there any enduring secrets, deep-rooted betrayals, or an air of mystery... just trust me.
8,814 views Ghosts of Greywood Ch. 22 Acto 2Cada noche a las 10, Dong-gyun se encierra en su habitación, toma una caja de pañuelos y ve el show de cámara en vivo presentado por Alex, un BJ (Broadcast Jockey). El tímido Dong-gyun no solo admira el cuerpo musculoso de Alex, tambien le gusta su franqueza al compartir sus experiencias sexuales con los espectadores. Una noche, Dong-gyun toma muchas bebidas en una reunion escolar y se desmaya. Cuando despierta, esta en cama viendo un chico guapo sin camisa. Un chico guapo que se parece muchísimo a... Alex.
Hyesung vivió toda su vida creyendo que era un alpha hasta que se encontró en una fiesta con un alpha de alta sociedad llamado Dojin que le hizo descubrir que era un omega.....Hyesung rechazando su naturaleza busca la manera de convertirse en un alpha. Es aquí donde comenzara el drama y travesía entre este omega y alpha...
En un mundo donde existen Oni come humanos, Tanjirou se enfrenta con la cruel realidad de ver a su familia muerta por estos demonios, pero ¿Qué hará si su hermana, la única sobreviviente, se convierte en un Oni?
La historia está ambientada en la época actual, excepto que las personas con poderes especiales se han vuelto comunes en todo el mundo. Un chico llamado Izuku Midoriya no tiene poderes, pero sueña tenerlos.
Na-Kyum es un joven pintor con un talento excepcional: crear imágenes eróticas de hombres. Aunque ha publicado algunas colecciones bajo un pseudónimo, ha decidido renunciar a la pintura. Entonces Seungho, un joven de la nobleza, irrumpe en su vida. Un criador infernal, famoso por su insaciable lujuria, Seungho forza a Na-kyum a ser su pintor privado. Sin embargo, las noches que espera a Na-kyum están más allá de lo que él hubiera imaginado…
El viaje hacia la cima marcial es solitario y largo. Ante la adversidad, debes sobrevivir y permanecer inflexible. Solo entonces podrás avanzar y continuar tu viaje para convertirte en el más fuerte. El "Pabellón Cielo Alto" pone a prueba a sus discípulos de las formas más duras para prepararlos para este viaje. Un día, el humilde barrendero Yang Kai logró obtener un libro negro, lo que lo puso en el camino hacia la cima del mundo marcial.
Yu Yang se encontraba en el nuevo semestre dando la bienvenida, cuando llegó el enorme y reservado Li Huan, un recién ingresado. Una vez que ocurren ciertos incidentes, Yu Yang se molesta demasiado con él. Pero tras conocerle, se da cuenta de que, en realidad, esta persona no es tan arrogante como lo pensaba...
Yoonbum, un muchacho delgado y callado, se enamoró de uno de los chicos más populares y guapos de la escuela, Sangwoo. Un día, con la obsesión de Yoonbum hacia Sangwoo, Yoonbum decide entrar en la casa de Sangwoo. Pero lo que vio dentro no era el Sangwoo con el que había soñado.
En el amor y en el romance, todo se trata de TECNOLOGÍA, y la TECNOLOGÍA siempre gana. Watanabe es un joven abogado de 26 años ferviente creyente del amor puro, que daría todo por su querida novia. Sin embargo, la realidad le haría darse cuenta que el amor no era esa fantasía con la que siempre había soñado, sino, un juego de probabilidades e inteligencia. Junto a Watanabe aprenderás la ultima tecnología que te hará irresistible ante cualquier mujer: "La ingeniería del amor".
"Solo necesitas ser amado". La admiración inquebrantable de un caballero perfecto se encuentra con el coraje de un niño abandonado y con problemas en esta historia de amor entre chicos de corazón puro.
El Demonio Celestial, una vez conocido como Kang Taehan, ¡Regresa a su vida original después de 60 años! «¡Ah, en una era tan bendita, estar en esta forma!» «Tu cuerpo está pidiendo a gritos ser salvado, ¿no lo has oído?» El proyecto de rejuvenecer física y mentalmente a todos, ¡¡El viaje del Demonio Celestial Kang Taehan comienza!! Oficinistas cansados por el alcohol y las horas extras, Atletas cuyos cuerpos están arruinados y su rendimiento disminuido, Jefes de familia aplastados por el peso de la vida, Gente moderna que ha acumulado grasa para soportar las cargas de la vida. Todos los modernos cansados de la vida... ¡Vengan a darse un masaje!
A complete comic adaptation of the popular series Rockman.EXE! The righteous Hikari Netto and Rockman take on the big bad internet crime group in a fierce battle filled with action!
En los últimos años, Japón se ha convertido en la luz brillante de Asia - con sus logros notables en los campos de la ciencia y la tecnología, la medicina y similares. Pero mientras que hay un gran número de personas japoneses ricos y exitosos, hay aún más que se dedican a una lucha furiosa simplemente para ganar sus gastos del día a día ... todo el tiempo luchando con adicciones peligrosas y dinero que consume tales como el juego y el alcoholismo. ¿Qué harán estas personas cuando necesiten el dinero para alimentar los deseos interminables que son parte integral del ser humano? ¡¿Qué tan miserable y peligroso podrían convertirse sus vidas si caen en las trampas terribles que son fijadas por el mercado negro prestamistas con el único propósito de atrapar a estas personas de voluntad débil?!
Ooyama Takeko joins an otaku club in the hopes of being worshiped as a princess as she\'d be the only female member, but the club she joins only has two members (including herself). Based on a one shot of the same name.